What is in GOGA’s reward system?

learning english through games

GOGA will use the “rewarding model,” which is popular in the gaming world, for the English learning process. This brand new learning – awarding model will help solve the problem of low learning motivation by engaging learners to learn English.

“Rewarding model” – the key to increasing learning motivation

We are all aware that acting confidently requires a great deal of motivation. However, where does our motivation come from?

Motivation theory (developed in the 1940s and 1950s) is based on the findings of psychologists such as Clark Hulk, who demonstrated that people tend to take action if it helps them get rewards. That is also the foundation of the “rewarding model” that has existed in the human world since we were still ruled by animal instincts.

Normally, the feeling of joy that comes from accomplishing something stimulates the brain to produce the dopamine hormone, which motivates us to do it more often. And “reward” refers to the accomplishments that people achieve as a result of their efforts.

The “rewarding model” is also one of the reasons why online games are so appealing. Gaming elements like plus points, unlocking items, and leveling up characters make players happy, and they will spend more time and effort playing games. So what happens if this model is used in education?

Kaplan University (USA) was the first to use this awarding model on a class of 30 students at the Faculty of Information Technology in 2014. To reward students, the school has established a system of badges and promotions. Every time a student completes a task, they will be eligible to receive a badge.

As a result, the following observations were made by this test class:

  • Student engagement increased by 17%.
  • Students’ scores improved by 9%.
  • The number of students who did not complete the course fell by 16%.
  • Every time more difficult tasks are added to the course, more than 60% of students are willing to  do more difficult exercises in order to earn related badges.

The results of the Kaplan University pilot program demonstrated the positive effects of the “rewarding model” on modern education. The learning process, like playing a game, can be completely “addictive.”

learning english through games

What’s in the GOGA English learning app’s reward system?

Recognizing the “rewarding model’s” high potential, GOGA is the first English learning app to use gamification elements based on the “rewarding model.” GOGA users not only have access to tried-and-true communicative English learning materials and methods, but they are also encouraged to learn by receiving rewards throughout the process.

The GOGA English learning process is designed to be similar to a treasure hunt adventure. Throughout your studies, you will be able to earn badges for completing milestones or important tasks. In addition, you can hunt for mysterious boxes that contain one-of-a-kind items for your virtual character to equip.

In the future, GOGA will allow users to exchange items for GOGA tokens to trade with other users. Tokens from GOGA can be used to level up characters, upgrade study packages, or buy courses.

If you haven’t tried this brand new method yet, download GOGA today to be among the first to experience the learning English through games model that will be available soon!

GOGA was released on iOS and Android on January 15th. To get the free app, follow the link below.

Download The English Learning App - GOGA Now!

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