How To Use The Learn & Earn Feature On GOGA Testnet App

After having GOGA Boxes and getting GOGA Characters, users can start using the learn and earn feature

Step 1:

Go to GOGA Testnet app → “Inventory” → Click on the GOGA character you want to use to learn.
-> GOGA Character details appear → Click “Equip”

Step 2:

After being equipped, the GOGA Character will be pushed upwards.

Step 3:

Click “Start Earning” to learn & earn.
Note: if you study without clicking “Start Earning”, you will not earn GGT during the learning process.

Step 4:

Return to “Arena” to start conquering the stages

Step 5:

After finishing 1 Stage, depending on the GOGA’s stats and the results of the study → we will receive some $GGT

Step 6:

Click “Agree” → $GGT will be added to your wallet → Then we continue to learn and earn GGT

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